torsdag, maj 01, 2008


The passing

In the beginning of the day just as the sun startet to rise, the spirits called out into the void calling another to them, as the ones that have passed before, the choise is his to make and his alone, will he pass fully to the world of his dreams, or linger on the edge, to come and aid those he loved when times get hard, passing into the world of dreams to spend time with old friends, but always listening for that faint sound of a loved one in need of guidens, leaving the dream world and friends to guide loved ones is not always easy for the new spirits, but as they become wiser they know that the dream world will always be there, even if the other spirits will leave to guide their loved ones from time to time, when a spirit is in the dream world it sometimes happens that loved ones will visit in thrie sleep, knowing this and knowing the spirit before it is called by the others will give a clue to where to look in the dream world to find that special spirit.........

In memory of H. Ben Malliett
Lost the fight to cancer on wensday 30/04/2008 at just before 5am(cdt), 12pm(cet)

What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing this.
His new journey sometime here sometimes there. A helper, or a guide. He is right there.
For someone who has a hard time writing, you can sure produce a few brilliant pearls.
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