tirsdag, juli 26, 2005


Rescue mission

I went into the garage to get the lawnmower and noticed a bird in the window all the way up under the roof, so i mowed the lawn and went back to put away the mower and the bird was still there ok time to boot it out so i grabbed a cat (qiult) and put her up near the bird but she was scard of it and did not manage to scare the bird into my range instead she went outside the window and tried to catch the momma bird. ok i climbed up high enough to reach the bird then went out into the yard and put it down, all while quilt was chacing the momma bird, after i put it down the momma bird had lured quilt away and was now hopping around with a worm in it's beek, first 5 pics is the young bird just old enough to try and fly, last 2 is the momma bird with a worm.

*nod* The little bird was in the window when I went to work at 6:30, but since the garage door was open I thought that it would soon find it's way out.
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