torsdag, august 21, 2008
The King of the kitchen is dead.
It came to pass that on the 4th day in the 4th week of the 8th month of the 8th year, the calling of the wild clover fields out weight the coils of life, so as the time came the king was surrounded by family and loved ones, now the king runs free in the wild clover fields, forever young and full of vigor. Blessed be Ditto.

torsdag, maj 01, 2008
The passing
In the beginning of the day just as the sun startet to rise, the spirits called out into the void calling another to them, as the ones that have passed before, the choise is his to make and his alone, will he pass fully to the world of his dreams, or linger on the edge, to come and aid those he loved when times get hard, passing into the world of dreams to spend time with old friends, but always listening for that faint sound of a loved one in need of guidens, leaving the dream world and friends to guide loved ones is not always easy for the new spirits, but as they become wiser they know that the dream world will always be there, even if the other spirits will leave to guide their loved ones from time to time, when a spirit is in the dream world it sometimes happens that loved ones will visit in thrie sleep, knowing this and knowing the spirit before it is called by the others will give a clue to where to look in the dream world to find that special spirit.........
In memory of H. Ben Malliett
Lost the fight to cancer on wensday 30/04/2008 at just before 5am(cdt), 12pm(cet)
onsdag, februar 06, 2008
old pics that i wanted to post
was nosing through old pics and found a few that would be interesting to post

This one was one i took while out on a bike ride.

A shot along the biking/walking path in the small forrest where we live.

Just alittle friend that lives out in our wood-shed.

Quilt the cat.

Quilt the cat hiding in our birch tree hunting birdies.
søndag, januar 27, 2008
Just an update
Well i figured it was time to try and do an update on how things went on our us trip...
We landed in Chicago and went to pickup our car but they where out of the model we had booked so they gave us a free upgrade to a PT cruiser, not a bad trade, so after that we made our way up north to Appelton to visit with family starting (and ending) with Mom Malliett, had a nice amount of snow and grabbed some pics of stuff.
Us with Mom Malliett

Birds at the feeder at Mom's
House across the street, jsut looked good with the lights
The we went up to greenbay to visit Ben, he is the one with canser and the main reason behind our trip this time.
Here we are with Ben.
Also went to visit Bill and Julie (brother and sister in law of Cuz's)
Here we are with Bill and Julie.

A shot of Bill and Julie's house.
Shot down the road outside Bill and Julie's house.
Then we took the drive down to Tennesee to visit friends in Nashville.
We stayed at the Sullivan's house and pictures was taken but i seem to have misplaced them and when i manage to locate them i will make a post with the pics.
There are pics of critters and some of the Sullivans, and also of Jenna's basketball game but that will have to wait till i find them.
I did get a new cam while in Nashville, seems me and Doc share the intrest in both music and pictures, so was fun to look for a cam with him along.
onsdag, september 26, 2007
time to run and hide
time to run screaming over the hills screaming the vikings are comming
Just transfered about a normal months sallery *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek* but now we have the tickets *wooooo*
here are some info
leaving Aalborg at 1pm (-7h) landing in Copenhagen 2pm(-7h)
departing Copenhargen at 3:30 pm (-7h) landing at Ohara 6pm (us time)
on 22 of december
what the plans are from there we dont know that majorly depends on
Bens plans.
but one thing we know is that we will visit both Wisconsin and Tennesee.
More to come as we progress in time
lørdag, september 15, 2007
Creative change

This is my new creative outlet, been playing keyboard, piano, organs
for a long time but after thinking about it and not playing actively for
some times (coupple of years) i decided that i was gonna try something
and after only a few days playing on it i learned that i had the
same kind of feel for the mandolin as for the keyboard

After doing a bit of research i was reminded that my grandfather
on my mothers side played the mandolin, maybe this was at the
back of my head when i picked this instrument,
currently im learning the basic playing skills and a few tunes,
like christmas songs and a few oldies, been practicing Dance tonight
by Poul McCartney.
fredag, august 24, 2007
Another new critter in the pack

Her name is cleo, due to the black lines from the eyes
she has that old egyptian look.
She is a 1year 4month old english bulldog.
The coke bottle in the corner of the pic was one she
decided that she would use as a chew toy.
Cleo is not yet fully grown but still got a weight at about
50lbs. (tiny puppy) *snicker*
onsdag, juni 07, 2006
New critter in the pack
Ditto and his new little brother The real bandit a golden satin guinea pig (yes his eyes are red ruby red)

Ditto and Koda (named after the little brother bear in disney's brother bear) relaxing in the piggie box between the computers, and yet again his red eyes are shining through
tirsdag, december 13, 2005
The Squirrel dog is dead
PD. The Tennessee Squirrel Dog is dead.
The mind was strong but the body was weak.
He had the spirit of a 2 month old puppy but the heart of a 20 year old dog.

PD The Tennessee Squirrel Dog.
January 10th 1991 - December 13th 2005
mandag, august 29, 2005
Rescue mission 2
Yet another rescue mission Quilt dragged in a young blue tit and was chasing it all over the house managed to lose it for a few hours and i could not find it then it showed up again and i managed to catch it.

Quilt, fierce predator.

Blue tit, angry pray (bit me several times).

Blue tit on my shoulder trying to get away from Quilt running around on the floor screaming.

Blue tit in our apple tree after i released it.